Constellium (859 Century Rd. Ravenswood, WV 26164) is seeking help to spread the word about their disaster relief efforts. Constellium is accepting donations that will be delivered to Asheville, NC. A tractor trailer is stationed in their administration building parking lot and will be open to drop-offs daily from 6AM-7PM. Donations can be made today, October 1st through Sunday, October 6th. The trailer will depart for NC on Monday, October 7th. Please see list below for needed items:
Food: – Non-perishable items / pull tab can goods (soups, vegetables, meat) / can openers / dry cereals, pop tarts, granola bars, peanut butter, sports drinks (20oz or smaller), individual snacks, individual fruit cups, water (bottled or gallons)
Cleaning supplies: bleach, disinfectant, mops, buckets, rubber or plastic gloves, sponges, brooms, trash bags.
Baby supplies: diapers, wipes, formula, baby food (no glass jars)
Bedding/linens: cots, sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, sheets, towels, wash cloths.
Clothing: Underwear and socks of all sizes.
Paper Supplies / Pet Supplies / Hygiene products / Medical Supplies
If you need further information, please contact Constellium.
Hurricane Relief Being Sent From Jackson County!